Last week, we looked at the traits of subversive people. They exalt themselves, work to include and exclude certain people, and have a hidden agenda.
Who helps us in life? The Holy Spirit, angels, and people. We don't usually have a problem with the first two, but people are another story. So how can we discern those who will undermine our faith, our calling, and our goals? How can we identify those who are true helpers?
We're not looking for perfect people, perfect attitudes, or perfect abilities. We're looking for people who receive, who are humble, who do not hide their desires, and who are fair with everyone.
In I Samuel 22:1-2, 23:1-5, David's men are honest with him. They're afraid to go into battle. When David told them what the Lord said, they received from him and went forward. Be leery of people, who are one way with some and another way with others. Watch how they treat those who can't do anything for them.
For the entire message, go to Zoe Ministries' website. There you can listen via the sermon player, or download the message FREE to your MP3 player. Podcasting is also available.
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