Friday, October 16, 2009

General Announcements

Have a testimony regarding an answered prayer or how the Word of God worked for you? We would love for you to share it with the congregation, just let an usher know. Write it down or email it as well, so it can be posted on the website if you desire.

Don't forget to turn your CELL PHONE off or at least into silent mode during church services. Thank you!

Mark your calendars: Friday night, October 30th, is a special dinner. See Josiah, Sharon, or Connie for details. It is Josiah's Senior Class Project. He must have a picture of you for a special presentation by Saturday, October 17th. To get a ticket to this dinner, you must give him a picture.

On Saturday, October 31st, we're planning our annual Hallelujah Night at Highpoint. We'll have more details as the month progresses.

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