Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday Morning Series - The Right Stuff - When I Am Not Thankful

Pastor's text: 2 Chronicles 20

Pastor Stephen Hecht looked at Jehoshaphat's response to a big problem. He gets word that a great multitude is coming against them. Situations will cause fear to rise up, but he didn't allow fear to paralyze him. He went to God.

It's fascinating to see his approach. He set or positioned himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. The people joined him in the house of the Lord to seek Him. Jehoshaphat leads the people in prayer. He praises God and acknowledges His power and might. He points out that the very ones God told them to spare are coming against them. He asks God to judge them because they have no might against such a great force.

There's no record that Jehoshaphat or the people bickered and complained. They don't declare their own demise. They don't blame God for their predicament. Instead they seek God's help and declare His power. Someone once taught "there is no place between unthankful and thankful." These people showed the attributes of thankfulness.

Can you pray without getting entangled in doubt or unbelief? Can you pray without griping and moaning? Can you pray without succumbing to doom and gloom?

Judah was spared because of their obedience to God's instructions. In this case, God told them to go before the army, praising the Lord. When they did so, God delivered them.

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