Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday Morning Series - Hope That Does Not Waver - Brave Hope

Text: Hebrews 10:23, Romans 12:10-12

Last week, we learned that hope is always about the future. We're not denying the present circumstances in our lives, but looking toward a better tomorrow. Our life principle: Don't be led into a hope; follow one based on the Word of God.

Not all Godly hope is a promise of a bright future. Jesus' hope was the cross. Paul faced imprisonment. Peter knew he would be martyred. Yet, at the other end of these difficult times, they saw a glorious end result.

Many people have picked up negative hopes, apart from the promises of God. If the hope you have doesn't look toward a glorious end, it's not from God. Some people have physical conditions and figure they have to accept whatever comes their way. Others experience emotional problems and develop a victim mentality. Depression is based on a negative hope that things will never get better. Poverty is based on a negative hope of lack.

In all of these negative hopes, a glorious end is missing. We've compromised God's Word and exchanged His promise for a sob story.

Is your hope right? Check the...

Ending of your hope

Basis of your hope

and the reflection (what does your countenance tell people?) of your hope.

Would you like to hear the entire message? Check out the Sermon Player on our website. Free MP3 downloads and podcasting will also be available.

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