Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday Morning Series - Bearing Fruit For God - Becoming Fruity

Text: Galatians 5:16-26

The Spirit goes one way, and the flesh in another. They are opposite, so to follow one is to not follow the other. Following the flesh is to look to our self interest, which is at odds with the Holy Spirit.

To walk in the Spirit is to obey God. We love God; we do His will; We love others. Matthew 22:37-40 says that all the law and the prophets hang on loving God and others.

To walk in the flesh is to obey someone other than God. It can be your own desires, other people, or other gods. It's serving our desires, other people, or the enemy or Satan.

We need the love of God to walk in patience and perseverence. Romans 5:3-5 says that the love of God is in us. Love depends on the character of the giver not the receiver. If you want more love, sow it, and put it to work. If you love God, show it by loving others.

To hear this message in its entirety, check out our website Sermon Player. You can also download it FREE to your MP3 player or podcast.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we welcome you to visit us. Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Rte. 611), Warrington, PA 18976. Directions can be obtained at our website or contact us at (215) 343-7686.

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