Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday Morning Series - Victory for Doubters - What Our Belief Can Do

Text: Matthew 16:13-19 & various.

Our tongue sets the direction of our life. The tongue expresses what's in our heart. If we speak our feelings, they're usually negative. They also fluctuate. Talk from your spirit not from your flesh.

If we're talking: I need, I don't have, I don't think God cares, we're not speaking faith. If you're not satisfied with how things are going in your life, check what's coming out of your mouth. You have the ability to change your situation.

In Matthew 16:13-19, Jesus wants to know who people SAY that he is. Peter tells him all the theories. One minister defined theories as ignorance on the subject at hand. After listening to Peter's answer, Jesus asks him, "But who do you SAY that I am?" Peter speaks from his heart what he believes. Jesus is looking to see what we believe.

To hear the entire message, go to our website, and click on the Sermon Player. You can also download it to your MP3 or podcast free of charge.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to join us for Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00 A.M. We're located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Rte. 611), Warrington, PA 18976. The church phone is (215) 343-7686. We'd love to meet you!

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