Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday Morning Series - Victory for Doubters - The Things We Have Grown

Text: Various

Our Level of Understanding

Just as with math, science, and other studies, there are levels in what we understand in the things of God. Each new level carries with it more responsibility and greater endurance. Possessing AND walking in greater understanding produces great faith.

Our Ground Conditions

Philippians 4:4-9 tells us to rejoice in the Lord always, possess gentleness, be anxious for nothing, and direct our meditations (thoughts). The end result is the peace of God. We're to think on what's just, of good report, etc.

Colossians 3:12-17 tells us to let the word of God dwell in us richly. This can only happen if we let it. Many Christians allow the words of men to dwell in them richly, but when they need God's Word to work, they expect some confession of it to overcome what dwells in them.

Our Endurance

How many think of patience/perseverance when we think of Job? That word comes from a word meaning, " cheerful endurance."

We can't walk by faith all the while looking for physical evidence. If I say, "Jesus is my provider" and when a bad report comes to me say, "well, I guess He didn't provide." The Word can be stolen, scorched or choked when understanding leaves me. We need to patiently endure.

To hear this message in its entirety, visit our website, and click on the Sermon Player. You can also download it to your MP3 player or podcast FREE.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to our Sunday Morning worship service at 10:00 A.M. We're located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Rte. 611), Warrington, PA. The church phone number is (215) 343-7686.

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