Text: 2 Chronicles 14 - 16
Last week, we talked about pride. The root: A quality or ability not recognized or utilized properly by others. The enemy comes against the Godly character trait of humility and tries to destroy it.
We're moving on to the next hindrance to a victorious life: bitterness. What is it?
1) "A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill will."
2) "A resentment strong enough to justify retaliation."
Root: A response or accusation perceived or received wrongfully. How many times have we said something that people misunderstood? Whether we meant it the way they received it or not, we still have to deal with the situation.
Who becomes bitter? No one is born bitter. We become bitter. Once bitterness sets in, other responses follow:
1) Easily angered.
2) Easily offended.
3) Jealousy
4) Envy
5) Barriers block relationships. You meet the person, and a wall goes up. You're on the defensive.
In 2 Chronicles 14 - 16, King Asa of Judah walked with the Lord. However, toward the end of his reign, he got angry when corrected by a prophet. Instead of repenting, he became offended and threw the messenger into prison.
Bitterness comes against the Godly character trait of joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. When we hold bitterness in our hearts, it weakens us and provides an opening for the enemy to attack. Left unchecked, bitterness grows stronger over time.
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