Monday, April 9, 2012

Good Friday Message - Take Up Your Cross

Text: Matthew 16:24-28 & Various

A number of scriptures tell us to, "take up our cross." What is our cross?

When Jesus went to the cross:

1) He went willingly. No one forced Him. People tried to throw Him off a cliff or stone Him on a couple of occasions, but He walked through the crowd untouched. He laid down His life when it was the appropriate time.

2) He served the Father's will, not His own. He struggled with the assignment, but surrendered.

3) He suffered without complaining.

4) He prayed for those with evil desires, schemes, words, and actions.

5) He prayed for those too weak to stand with Him.

6) He forgave the evil, weak, and fickle.

7) He did what would justify all, not what was just for Himself.

The cross was the fulfillment of the Father's call and purpose.

Does what we call, "a cross," resemble those specifications?

1) Is your cross filled with Godly purpose?

2) Do we carry it quietly and without complaining?

3) Did we take it up of our own free will or did it fall on us?

4) Are we content to carry it or are we looking to pass it off or shake it loose? Jesus could have, but chose to take on the assignment.

5) Are we praying for those who treat us wrong or are we gossiping, backbiting, and such?

6) Are we forgiving or justifying our actions/thoughts?

7) Does the cross benefit anyone else besides us?

Jesus was not the only one carrying a cross that day, but he was the only one bearing one with a purpose outside of Himself. Crosses are purposes. It's possible to take that purpose and put it down.

To hear the entire message, please go to our website, and click on the Sermon Player. You can listen on your computer, download it to your MP3 player, or podcast FREE.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to our Sunday Morning Service at 10:00 A.M. We're located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Rte. 611), Warrington, PA. You'll find directions on our website when you click on the above link. We'd love to meet you!

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