Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday Morning - Maintain What You Gain

Please forgive the lack of graphics. The blog administrator is having computer woes, and this is being done from the library.

Text: Various

The first thing to understand is that God wants us to grow. When we come into a new level in our walk, He is not the one to take it away.

In the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:18-23), we see the conditions under which we lose:

1) If we don't understand what we received, the enemy takes it away.

2) Tribulation and Persecution come because of the Word, but for lack of root, endurance is minimal.

3)  The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches causes a lack of fruit.

4) The only one who produced was the one who heard, understood, and became fruitful.

The deceit of the enemy:

1) Criticalness - what others do. Don't play the blame game.
2) Bitterness - what others do to me.
3) Meageress - Focus on what I lack rather than what I have.
4) Distress (Burdens) - What I carry.
5) Fearfulness - What I may lose.
6) Worthiness - What I did or didn't do (guilt)

Saul is a prime example of these qualities.

Simple Practices that Maintain What We Gain:

1) Edification - What I say about or to others. No corrupt word.
2) Generosity - What I do for others.
3) Blessing - Being thankful for what I've been given.
4) Selection - What has been entrusted to me by God.
5) Faith - What I will gain.
6) Worthiness - It's not based on my deserving something but rather on what Jesus has done.
7) Walk in love - Ephesians 5:1-2

We see David exhibiting these qualities.

Application: Guardt your words, thoughts, and actions. Keep them in line with what you have gained or where you want to be.

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