Thursday, May 23, 2013


1.  Joe McGee will be ministering here from Saturday, June 8th, through Wednesday, June 12th. You can check out his ministry here.

2.   If you would like prayer for a specific need, please fill out a prayer request card on the back table and give it to an usher. We are happy to pray for you during the service or privately afterward, whichever you prefer.

3.  We're raising money for a new HVAC unit in the Children's Church Auditorium. Our goal is $4,800.00. So far, we have $1,348.00. Thank you for your help.

4.  Don't forget to write down your Praise Reports each Sunday morning. We want to hear how God has been working on your behalf. There are sheets of paper for Praise Reports on the back table for your use. Keep them coming each Sunday!

5.  How are you doing with the Chapter a Day Bible reading program? There is a compact schedule on the back table for your convenience.

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