Monday, December 30, 2013

Sunday Morning Series - The Wisdom of God - Imitation is Not the Real Thing

Text:  Mark 5:25-34

The story of the woman with the issue of blood has so much to teach us. All of her efforts to find a solution to her problem failed.

The scripture doesn't tell us how she found out about Jesus, but most likely she heard someone talking about Him and the miracles He performed. Ah, but she had a major difficulty. She could not ask Him to lay hands on her because she was unclean. After pondering this issue, she told herself if she could just touch the hem of His garment she'd be healed.

She developed her belief and faith, and put her plan into action. While people can give the report, teaching, and testimony of what Jesus has done, it is the Holy Spirit who speaks revelation to our spirit. The woman thought about all she'd heard concerning Jesus and what it could mean for her. She then acted on that belief.

Here are the steps she took:

  She heard.

       She said.

              She did.

She wasn't a copycat. So many people hear that someone did a certain thing, and they do it, hoping for the same result. Action by itself won't work. When she touched the hem of His garment, healing power went out of Him. Her confidence (belief) and action (faith) made the connection.

To hear the entire message, please visit our website, and click on the Listen tab. You can listen online, download the message to your MP3 player, or podcast FREE.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to our Sunday Morning Service at 10:00 A.M. Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA.  The church phone number is (215) 343-7686. All welcome!

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