Monday, January 5, 2015

Sunday Morning Series - Learning to Discern - Training Day

Text:  Genesis 37:1-11 and Various

In athletics, there's a difference between training and game day. Training is designed to build endurance. On game day, all the practicing and building physical strength are focused on winning.

We've often looked at the life of Joseph, but today we're going to see how God used all the difficulties in his life to prepare him for his mission: to save the lives of his family and protect the Messianic line. God did not send the problems. The evil designs of his brothers and Satan's intent to destroy the Israelites were turned around to defeat them.

When Joseph was 17, he had two dreams and shared them with his brothers and father. The brothers already hated him because he was given the task to report on their activities and showed good character. The coat of many colors set him apart as favored.

Sold into slavery in Egypt, he worked in Potiphar's house and soon became management. When Potiphar's wife tempted him, he refused. She eventually found opportunity to accuse him and referred to him as an outsider/stranger/Hebrew. No doubt the other slaves in the household weren't too pleased with Joseph's great success. He faced many challenges. This was practice and training for the future.

Thrown in jail, his leadership ability is once again recognized, and he is put in charge of the prison. While there, the butler and baker have dreams, which he correctly interprets. He's been mulling over his own dreams and studying the whole subject. What is he going to face in the future - the big game in sports terms? He will need to interpret Pharoah's dreams and take charge of the program that will save many lives, including that of his family.

It was 13 long years from the time Joseph had his dreams until he became ruler over Egypt under Pharoah. He could have become frustrated and given up, but he pressed on. In every instance he did his best to perform his duties and learn all he could.

Application:  Stop looking for your life to matter and look for life to prepare you to matter. Our preparation is often long and helps us succeed at a task God has for us in the future.

To hear the entire message, please visit our website and click on the Listen Tab. You can listen online, download the message to your MP3 player, or podcast FREE.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to our Sunday Morning Service. Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA. We'd love to meet you!

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