Monday, November 9, 2015

Sunday Morning Series - Walking in the Authority of Jesus - A Better Attitude in Ministry

Text:  Acts 13:1-13

Where you rise in ministry doesn't depend on who you're under or who you're around. It's up to you.

John Mark - Acts 12:12 & 25 - His mother was active in ministry, and he's related to Barnabas. No doubt, he probably assisted with the tasks needed when believers gathered. Barnabas takes him along on a missionary journey with Paul. After the incident with the sorcerer, he runs home to Mama because he gets scared. John Mark didn't have the right attitude. We'll get back to him later.

Three Types of Ministry

1.  Those who can develop a person's attitude. How good is your attitude? The main way to determine your own condition is how long to you persevere when you are waiting for God to answer you? Are you willing to wait until the answer comes? Faith works through love and patience.

2.  Those that need one more seasoned. Acts 6:1-4 - Many feel qualified for this level of ministry, but until people around you in ministry feel you are, you're not. Ministry has no room for those who are self-qualified.

3.  And those that need absolute trust and confidence. Philip moved from waiting on tables into the office of the evangelist. Stephen moved on into other ministry as well (Acts 6:8). John was trusted with so much, including the revelation of the tribulation times. Peter became the most prominent leader of the early church.

Back to John Mark. He didn't just leave the mission field, he prepared. He went on that journey when he wasn't ready. Later, we see him visiting Paul in prison. Paul assigned tasks to him. John Mark got his attitude fixed.

It can be a hard thing to trust those over you to have your best interest in mind. Attitude in ministry is more important than talent, training, and even results.

To hear the entire message, please visit our website and click on the Listen Tab. You can listen online or download it to your MP3 player.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA. Our Sunday Morning Service begins at 10 AM. Children's Services also start at 10:00 AM. We look forward to meeting you!

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