Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday Series - Attaining Completion - "Oh My!"

Text:  2 Kings 6:1-23

In 2 Kings 6:1-7, a man loses an ax head in the water. He says, "Alas, master..." There's great concern on his part because it was borrowed. Where does your peace go when a situation comes up like this in your life?

Joshua also used this term after the defeat at Ai. In Hebrews 10:32-36, we're told not to cast away our confidence which has great reward.

When the movie Jaws came out, many people's peace was shaken about going into the water. Enduring those "Oh My" moments by going through them with faith will keep you in peace. How can you tell if you're in faith? You'll have joy and peace.

When we come to those "Oh My" moments, our peace is in the cross hairs. If we lose our peace, we become unstable and easily moved. It's critical to:

1)  Maintain the peace of God
2)  Endure
3)  Hear the Word or renew your mind.
4)  Command.

To hear the entire message, please visit our website and click on the Listen Tab. You can listen online, download it to your MP3 player, or podcast.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to our Sunday Morning Service at 10:00 AM. Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA. We look forward to meeting you!

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