Monday, July 24, 2017

Sunday Morning Series - Enduring Change - Binding and Loosing (Part 2)

Text:  1 & 2 Samuel and Various

Why is it that sometimes we sow but don't reap? You sow mercy, forgiveness, love, finances, etc., but you don't see it come back to you.

In Matthew 16 and 18, Jesus taught on binding and loosing. What we often fail to see, is that what  we bind on earth is bound in heaven. What we loose on earth is loosed in heaven.

David's appearance and experience did not give one the impression of a great warrior. (I Samuel 17) Goliath mocked him and commented on his youth and lack of appropriate weapons. Even after Samuel anointed him as king, his parents sent him back to tending the sheep. The only thing mentioned that set David apart was his behavior (Samuel 18:5, 14-16 & 28-30). He used wisdom.

Compare David's behavior to Saul's. Saul did his own thing rather than obey God. He was chasing David all over the countryside instead of protecting his nation from the Philistines.

David and his men risked their lives to save the people of Keilah. He sought the Lord for guidance and discovered Saul would come after him in Keilah, and the people would turn him over to his enemy. (I Samuel 23) He shows mercy on Saul twice, but the man continues to hunt him. On another occasion, he and his men protect the herders and flocks of Nabal. Instead of being grateful, Nabal refuses to give them provisions. Here he was being kind, generous, protective, and nothing was going right for him.

Should I expect others to do for me the things I have done for others? Our motivation is not to get anything back. What comes from God is not inhibited by men. If God extends mercy, forgiveness, can man stop it? What comes from men is inhibited by their yieldedness to God's direction.

To hear the entire message, we invite you to visit our website and  click on the Listen Tab. You can  listen online, download it to your MP3 player, or podcast.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to Zoe Christian Fellowship. We're  located  at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA. A hallmark of our fellowship is solid, Biblical teaching, and a loving, multi-cultural atmosphere. We look forward to meeting you!

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