Text: I Kings 22:1-53
Commitment Before Inquiry
Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, was a godly king, while Ahab, King of Israel, was evil. Why does he choose Ahab as a buddy? When Ahab suggests they fight the Assyrians, Jehoshaphat readily agrees instead of seeking the Lord's guidance.
He has second thoughts and asks Ahab if there's a prophet. The 400 prophets of Ahab didn't strike him as accurate. Now, Ahab repented three years previously, but he still could not discern between what was true and what was false. He set himself up for calamity by not doing what was necessary for growth.
Ahab responds to Jehoshaphat's question by saying that there's a prophet, Micaiah, but he hates him because he always predicts bad things. A lot of people think just because what they're doing is a risk or makes them uncomfortable, it has to be God. It is the peace of God that leads us, not the difficulty of a task.
Micaiah sees an entire scene in heaven. God wants Ahab to die in this battle. Did you know that Satan and his workers have access to heaven? From Revelation, we know that half way through the Tribulation they are kicked out. At this point, there is some advantage to allowing them to approach God's throne.
When I go away for more than a day, my fish tank needs attention. I gave a stranger recommended by a pet store a key to my house, so she could handle the tasks. It was for a period of time and for a specific purpose. The same is true in this story.
Some notable points:
1. God asks how they can get Ahab into this battle.
2. A spirit finally says he can do it by being a lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab's prophets. Notice: It wasn't in the mouth of God's prophet.
3. False prophecy was allowed and planned. Deception was intended, yet God revealed the plan when asked. If we will not listen to the truth, what is false will take its place.
4. Ahab's heart is so hardened that he chooses what he wants to believe and acts upon it.
5. Jehoshaphat shows he's not a wise man by agreeing to go into the battle.
6. Ahab was a vessel of wrath. He was determined to do evil in God's sight.
7. Jehoshaphat was a vessel of mercy. Even though he did not act wisely in this situation, he had a heart for God and was considered a good king.
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