Monday, December 11, 2017

Sunday Morning Series - Having Faith in Your Prayers - Can Great Faith Change?

Text:  Matthew 14

Did Peter step out of the boat with great faith that changed, or did he do something great with little faith?

Matthew 14:22-24 -  Jesus "makes" His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side. He stayed back to pray alone. I like to put myself into the story and examine it. How did Jesus intend to join them? Was He planning to walk across or would He be physically taken there in an instant like Philip later was transported to another area by the Spirit of God?

Matthew14:25-27 - The storm is already in progress when the disciples saw Jesus, but didn't know it was Him. What would you have assumed? They thought it was a ghost and believed it. This belief didn't make it true. The belief is strong enough to produce fear.

We know the Word says when we die we either go to heaven or hell. In those days, the righteous dead went to Abraham's bosom - a place of rest until Jesus paid for their sins on the cross and arose from the dead.

Some people go to seances and try to contact their loved ones who have died. Familiar spirits (demons) masquerade as these people and share enough about their lives to deceive the seekers. They are actually contacting the dark powers of Satan. Horoscopes are also a way people look to the future. Many end up worshiping and looking for guidance from the stars. So, the disciples' belief they'd seen a ghost was inaccurate.

Matthew14:28-33 - One word from Jesus caused Peter to act against a decade or two of experience that walking on water doesn't happen. You can float or swim, but if you try to walk, you'll sink. Remember, he was a fisherman in his pre-disciple days.

Peter was focused on what Jesus said, not the conditions around him. He then focused on the wind while he was still walking. Fear entered him, and he began to sink.

***It is not feeling the circumstances that take you down. It's letting them bring you into fear.***

Peter was ready to attempt something that needed great faith with little faith. Yet, Jesus didn't discourage him. The power of God was present the whole time, but only working on behalf of the one who did not fear or get their focus on the circumstances. Yet, we often think the power of  God is not working if we don't feel healed or if we're in the midst of threatening circumstances.

***Faith is not measured by what it does, but by what it can endure.***

To hear the entire message, we invite you to visit our website and click on the Listen Tab. You can listen online, download it to your MP3 player, or podcast.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we hope you'll share a Sunday Morning with us at 10:00 AM. Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA. We'd be delighted to meet you!

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