Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday Morning Series-Victory For Doubters-When You Pray

We learned last week that there situations we are to speak to, not pray about, and situations in which we are to do the opposite.
This week we focus on praying to receive. Mark 11:24 we are told to ask GOD for whatever things, believe you receive them, and you will have them (paraphrased).

There are no restrictions on the asking save that whatever we are asking must be what we instructed to ask for from The Word.

When I ask I must be believing. The believing must be present at the asking. How do I come to this? Through the correct understanding of The Word. Understanding can come in a number of ways. Sometimes I just hear The Word and I understand right away. Sometimes I hear and I am unsure. This requires further study of The Word. Finally I hear and have to meditate upon The Word until the understanding comes. Trouble comes when we understand with our flesh and not with our spirits. That's when we build faith, not from God's Word , but from our own desires.

The receiving comes after the asking. The receiving has no impact on the believing, for if it does then it is not the God kind of faith. And the Faith of God is what pleases our Father.

Understanding God's Word + praying with believing = Receiving

To listen to the whole teaching visit the Zoe website sermon player.

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