Text: Mark 11:24, Matthew 6:8, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, Matthew 18:19, John 14:13
We need to be clear what we're asking for when we pray. The Father is the One, whom we're petitioning. Prayer doesn't inform God of our needs. He knows our needs before we ask.
Jesus said we're to ask the Father in His name. God doesn't condemn us when we're struggling to believe. Abraham believed Him in the area of finances, but had difficulty with trusting God to fulfill His promise concerning an heir. God worked with Him until his faith was strong.
So, when we ask, we are...
1) Asking the Father, who is God
2) Who gives good things
3) Asking in the name of the Son.
What are we supposed to ask God for? In many cases Christians are asking God for what they already have. If you ask for something you already have, you're reinforcing unbelief. There are things we speak to and some we request. Jesus already provided salvation and healing. Here are some of the things we're to pray for:
1) Matt. 9:35-38 - That the Lord will send laborers to the field (sharing the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ).
2) Luke 11:5-13 - Intercession for others, who don't know how to ask.
3) Luke 11:13 - We can ask God for the Holy Spirit.
4) Ephesians 1:17-19 - We can ask for wisdom, revelation, and understanding.
5) Ephesians 3:16-19 - Strength, indwelling, comprehension.
6) Colossians 1:9-11 - Walk and fruitfulness.
7) Acts 4:24-31 - Boldness, signs, and wonders.
8) To know the will of God. (Jesus in the Garden and Paul to go to Rome)
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