Monday, February 24, 2014

Sunday Morning Series - A Heart Condition - One Direction

Text: Various

There are only two kinds of hearts described in the Word of God:

1)  Hard
2)  Soft

Last week, we looked at King Asa. He's described as having a loyal heart all his days. Yet, he did things that were not always good.

A hard or soft heart is not based on location. A heart grows. It's based on direction. The direction in which your heart is growing determines whether your heart is soft or hard. If you're moving in obedience to God, your heart is soft. If you're refusing His direction, it's hard.

People who have soft hearts will have good fruit, while people with hard hearts will exhibit bad fruit. Pharaoh is the poster child for the hard heart, and the fruit of his life was bad. The fruit of Moses was good. (Matthew 12:33)

The fruit of your heart:

1)  Matthew 5:27-28 - committed adultery in his heart.
2)  I John 3:15 - committed murder in his heart.

What you do in your heart, it's considered as being already done. What you say with your mouth doesn't override your heart.

What happens in the heart does not stay in the heart.

Which direction are you moving?

1)  Hear
2)  Obey
3)  Expect - It's hard to do this when it doesn't seem hearing and obeying has any effect.  It took 25 years for Abraham to see the fulfillment of his hearing and obeying - Isaac.

This is a snippet of the overall message. Please go to our website, and click on the Listen tab to hear the entire sermon. You can listen online, download it to your MP3 player, or podcast FREE.

If you're visiting the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to Zoe Christian Fellowship. We're located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Rte. 611), in Warrington, PA. Our phone number is (215) 343-7686. All welcome!

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