Text: 2 Kings 5:1-16 and Various
This week, we're taking a break from our Learn to Discern Series. With Jay and Tammy Hoskins coming in a couple of weeks for meetings, it's important to prepare our hearts.
There are three things that can distract us from receiving what God has for us.
The Majesty of God
The story of the man healed from leprosy is repeated in Mark 1:40-45, Matthew 8:1-4, and Luke 5:12-14. In each account, Jesus declares that He is willing to heal the man.
Most people approach God not wondering about His ability, but the probability that He will want to heal them. In the death of Jesus, we see two totally separate elements:
The Body of Jesus was broken for our healing. There is no indication in scripture that it had any other purpose.
The blood of Jesus was shed for the forgiveness of sin.
Never in Scripture do we find Jesus refusing to heal some people because He wasn't willing.
Man - 2 Kings 5:1-10
We sometimes go to the man/woman of God if we:
A. Feel disconnected from God.
B. Have had difficulty receiving from God.
We think in terms of, "I can't get it or receive it for myself, so maybe someone else can." I can become focused on the person rather than the gift within them. In both of the above instances, we become passive receivers.
Method - 2 Kings 5:11-16
We can become focused on the way healing comes to us and develop certain expectations. In this story, Naaman expects the prophet to wave his hand over him. When he's told to go dip himself in the Jordan River seven times, he becomes upset.
Maybe we say things like:
A. I thought I would feel electricity going through my body.
B. I thought I would fall on the floor.
C. I thought the pain would immediately leave.
Like Naaman, the method God uses may simply challenge our hang ups.
Application: So how should we receive?
No matter the source, it is our faith that increases opportunity and success. When we come to receive:
A. Approach God not man.
B. Be quiet and listen. This is not the time to pray. It's okay for you to keep your eyes open. One scripture says to watch and pray. Be alert for instructions.
C. Catch (or receive) through faith NOT methods.
D. Do whatever he (the minister or the Holy Spirit) says not what you thought. Mary told the servants at the Wedding of Cana, "Whatever he says to you, do it."
How do you know you've received? When trials and tests come, you hang onto your healing (whether physical, emotional, or spiritual). Do not take yourself out of the equation. You have a part in receiving your healing even as the woman who touched the hem of His garment and the one who was instructed to pick up his bed and walk.
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If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to our Sunday Morning Service at 10:00 A.M. Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA. The church phone number is (215) 343-7686. We look forward to meeting you!