Monday, June 13, 2016

Special Meetings - Blessed!

Jay and Tammy Hoskins were with us for five awesome meetings from Thursday, 6/9, through Sunday, 6/12.
Tammy sang and ministered along with our worship team, while Jay brought messages on the Presence of God. The Lord worked mightily in the lives of members and visitors. Here are just a few highlights:

1.  We don't worship to bring the Presence of God into our midst. We worship to enter into the Presence of God that's already there.

2.  God is omnipresent. If we want to enter His Presence, we must be aware and refocus our attention on Him through praise and worship.

3.  A young man, who recently had knee surgery, was totally healed and removed his brace.

4.  A woman was healed from back pain.

5.  A marriage was saved and the wife and baby healed.

The services are available on the sermon player on our website. Please visit and click on the Listen Tab.

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