Monday, June 25, 2018

Guest Speaker - Bro. Marty Blackwelder

Text:  II Chronicles 20

God's Battle Plan for Victory

In this chapter, Jehoshaphat re-aligns himself with God and makes some changes. Difficulties come to all of us. We live in a fallen world and people have a free will. This king faced a challenge so big only God could deliver him and his nation. A huge army marched toward them, ready to do battle.
When Jehoshaphat heard about it, he feared.

He sought the Lord, and God instructed him what he and the nation should do. In this instance God fought for them, and all their enemies killed each other.

When we're presented with situations and respond in fear, we open the door to all the negative effects. John 10:10 tells us the enemy come to steal, kill, and destroy. Our reaction to challenges determines the  results. 365 times in the Word, God tells us not to fear.

Being tempted to fear is different from responding to a problem. There's a natural fear that tells us to not get too close to the edge of a cliff. It's about self-preservation. The kind of fear we're talking about is a demonic fear. II Timothy 1:7 says, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind."

The spirit of fear tries to undermine our authority as believers, questions our abilities, steals our peace, well being, etc. (Luke 10:19). Fear is under our feet. We're to live fearless. Recognize the symptoms and shut it down.

To hear the entire message, please visit our website and click on the Listen Tab. You can listen online, download it to your MP3 player, or podcast.

If you're visiting in the area or looking for a church home, we invite you to our Sunday Morning Service at 10:00 AM. Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA. We look forward to  meeting you!

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