Text: Mark 11:23, 24, Joshua 7, I Samuel 13, I Kings 12, and others.
The Israelites formed the belief that they would die in the desert. They said it repeatedly, formed a belief, and guess what? They died in the wilderness.
In Joshua 7, Achan heard the command of God not to take the spoil. Yet, when he saw the garment, silver, and gold, he coveted them and took them. A new belief replaced the command of God in his heart.
In I Samuel 13, Saul says that he saw the people leaving, Samuel wasn't there, and the Philistines were gathering. He felt compelled to act. He feared David, and fed his fear by what he said.
Did you know that people can speak negative words to you, but they won't have any effect unless you believe them? How do you know if you've changed direction from believing God to something else? You'll start complaining as a result of your disappointment.
The ten spies went into the Promised Land to bring back a report on the land. They got sidetracked when they saw giants, and fear entered. Only Joshua and Caleb gave a favorable report.
Your words can work for or against you. Joshua and Caleb's words remained in line with God's Word, and they entered the Promised Land. The Israelites declared they would die in the wilderness, and they did. Don't let what you see and hear that is contrary to God's Word change what you believe and what you doubt.
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