Monday, July 15, 2019

Sunday Morning Series - The Need for Faithfulness - Persuaded to be Unfaithful"

Text:  Joshua 9:1-27

Last week, we talked about how Joshua was tricked into making a covenant with the Gibeonites. They convinced him and the elders they were from a far country when, in fact, they were residents of the Promised Land.

When the other kings in the land heard the Gibeonites made a deal with Israel, they banded together and planned an attack. All these kings had unusual names and illustrate how the devil comes at you.

5 Ways The Devil Comes at You

1.  The first king's name was Adonai Zedek, king of Jerusalem, which means, "lord of justice or righteousness.

This is Satan's counterfeit version of Melchezedek. The scripture tells us that Satan comes as an angel of light. Some churches worship a Jesus that isn't the Jesus of the Bible.

A number of years ago, we contacted churches in the area to see if we could do some things together. One church in particular responded that they worshipped God, Jesus - and a whole lot of other gods. Yet they were listed as a Christian church. When confronted with the Word of God, they waved it off, saying we don't go by that.

2.  The second king was Hoham, the  king of Hebron. This means, "voice of the multitude."

Satan will try to persuade you by the popular opinion. When the 12 spies returned from checking out the Promised Land, all but two of them declared the inhabitants were far too powerful and could not be defeated. The people agreed with the negative report. The majority is not always right.

3.  The third king was Jarmuth - Piram, which means, "like a wild ass."

This stands for human reasoning. Taking your eyes off the word of God and focusing on other things like human reasoning will lead you into doing what you want and not submitting to God.

4.  The fourth king was Japhia, king of Lachish, which means, "splendid, dazzling to the eyes."

Satan uses the lust of the eyes and the lure of the world to distract us from where we should be.

5.  The fifth king was Debir, king of Eglon, which means, "oracle."

When all else fails, Satan will come at you head on.

Was Joshua wrong to defend the Gibeonites against these kings? Please visit our website and click on the Media Tab to hear the full teaching. You have several options: listen online, download it to your MP3 player, or podcast.

Have you felt like life is treating you like a punching  bag? Do you feel hopeless and can't see a way out of your situation? Come on out to Zoe Christian Fellowship for dynamic praise and worship, solid Biblical teaching, and a warm family atmosphere.

Zoe Christian Fellowship is located at 1111 Easton Rd. (Route 611), in Warrington, PA. We look forward to seeing you.

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